How to Change Your Address with USCIS?

Permanent residents are required to report their change of address to USCIS within 10 days of their move. It can be an annoying task, but failure to report your new address can be grounds for deportation. The good news is that it’s really easy to do online!

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to report your new address to USCIS.

If you do not have an application or petition in process

  1. Visit
  2. Click “continue”
  3. Select “no”
  4. Provide the requested information, including your:Name;
    • Date of Birth;
    • A-number/USCIS-number (which is on your green card)
    • Citizenship
    • Old address
    • New address
  5. Select submit and check your email for a confirmation.

If you have an application or petition in process:

  1. Visit
  2. Click “continue”
  3. Select “yes”
  4. Provide the requested information, including your:
    • Form and receipt numbers;
    • Name;
    • Date of Birth;
    • A-number/USCIS-number (which is on your green card, if applicable)
    • Citizenship
    • Old address
    • New address
  5. Select submit and check your email for a confirmation.


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